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13.02.2025 | Poznan | Mix

Financial intensive with our partners at Pożyczk Poznań in Poland. A comprehensive series of educational seminars.

21.04.2014 | Perm | Mix

Cross-cultural discussion club in English “Mix”: every Monday at 6 p.m.
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24.04.2014 | Perm | Sorry, we are closed!

The last Thursday of a month is a cleaning day at the library. Sorry, we are closed! Please, mind our timetable and plan your visit in advance.
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Saratov AC Public Speaking Club

30.04.2014 | Saratov | Saratov AC Public Speaking Club

In November 2013 - April 2014, Saratov American Collection, local USG alumni, and volunteers from “Sinegoria” (Saratov NGO) are running a project whose mission is teaching young people effective public speaking techniques.

The project includes trainings and workshops (every other Wednesday at 5:30 p.m.) where the participants will learn the secrets of well-known public speakers, deliver speeches in public, become confident and improve the ability to connect easily with different age audiences.
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Presentation on Earth DAy at Tpmsk AC

21.04.2014 | Tomsk | Happy Earthday!

An event devoted to the Earth Day was held at Tomsk American center on April, 21. The students, gathered here, reasoned upon what each of us can do to better ecological situation. The center` employees acquainted visitors with the materials of thematic book exhibition, presented the display of photographs, which were taken in the National Parks in America by Liana Shevchuk - an alumni of history department, TSU.
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Erik Lundell, Sr. English Language Fellow

16.04.2014 | Moscow (AMC) | Teacher 2 Teacher Workshops

On Wednesday, April 16, the American Center in Moscow held a Teacher 2 Teacher Workshop with Erik Lundell, Sr. English Language Fellow. This time he spoke about content-based instructions.
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15.04.2014 | Irkutsk (English Language Center) | English with Lizzy Smith

Every Tuesday and Wendseday at 5 pm Lizzy Smith is ready to speak English with Russian patrons
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Upcoming Events

22.04.2014 16:00 - 20:00
Club “Let's speak English”
22.04.2014 17:30 - 20:00
Club “English 50+”
23.04.2014 16:00 - 17:00
Saint-Petersburg (Children)
Playing together
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